Cucumber Couscous
Chef Robert went live on our Instagram to show everybody an awesome trick for imparting maximum flavor when making couscous.
No water or broth required — use cucumbers for a subtly sweet and fresh take that produces equally fluffy and tender couscous as traditional cooking methods would.
See how it’s done on our IGTV and try it at home! It’s the perfect base for all your spring and summer dishes.
Active Time: 15 min
Total Time: 45 min
Make it.
English cucumbers
Medium ground couscous
Juice cucumbers by throwing them whole into a blender and strain through a fine mesh strainer.
*English cucumbers work best — they have fewer seeds and less fibrous skin.
Transfer the juice to a pan and bring it to just below a simmer until it’s slightly above room temperature
Heating the juice is optional — it will just take longer to cook the couscous if you don’t.
*Note: this technique only works for medium ground, not pearl couscous.
Combine one part couscous (Chef Robert used @riceselect ) to two parts liquid.
Add the liquid to the couscous, mix well, and allow it to sit. The enzymes and acids will cook the couscous until all the liquid is absorbed. Once done, it should look light and fluffy (~20-30 minutes).
Cook like a #hotchef:
By Riceselect
by Ninja
Fine Mesh Strainers
by Cuisinart